Tags: HTML documents are made up of tags, which are enclosed in angle brackets. Tags are used to define elements on a web page, such as paragraphs, headings, links, images, and more.
Elements: Elements are made up of tags and their content, and they define the structure and content of a web page. For example, the "p" tag is used to define a paragraph element, and the "h1" tag is used to define a top-level heading.
Attributes: Attributes provide additional information about an element, such as its style, size, or location on the page. They are included within the opening tag, and they are always written in the format attribute="value".
Forms: HTML forms allow users to input and submit data to a server. Form elements include text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down menus, and more. The data that users submit can be processed using server-side scripting languages like PHP or JavaScript.
Multimedia: HTML supports the display of various multimedia elements on a web page, including images, audio files, and video files. With the "video" and "audio" tags, you can embed video and audio content directly into your page, and use attributes to customize the playback settings.
Canvas: The HTML5 canvas element allows you to draw graphics and animations directly on a web page using JavaScript. With the canvas element, you can create games, interactive charts, and more.